Eden Village of Louisville is a tiny home community providing a permanent solution to housing our chronically homeless friends.
Louisville's JourneyMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety need to be met to work on higher needs such as mental health, community connection and self-esteem. On February 21, 2022 the Louisville Coalition for the Homeless counted a total of 1080 people without housing and 243 people sleeping outside. Our city must take care of its own; let’s be part of the solution providing the basic need of permanent supportive housing.
Eden Village is a unique housing concept started in Springfield, Missouri in 2018. The tiny home community moves unhoused individuals off the streets, into a home within a gated community of like individuals and the support of a community center and garden. The community center is furnished with a full kitchen, community area, laundry room, and offices for professional service providers for support.
Eden Village has shown us a solution. Eden Village does not want to simply provide ‘adequate housing’ for the chronically disabled homeless. We want to create and nurture a sense of community. That’s the key to improving the homelessness problem in Louisville. Relationships with other residents who are walking the same path, with caring staff, and community volunteers. We have taken up the charge to build Eden Village of Louisville.
Jacob’s Ladder Outreach researched ways to provide supportive permanent housing to chronically unhoused individuals in Louisville. Through this research we found Eden Village, an organization who has generated a roadmap to develop the community that we want to build. Not only will we provide a gated community of homes that provides a safe place to grow, but we will provide support to assist individuals in reaching their goals.